If you’ve still got bits’n’bobs to get, but have no desire to traipse around the shopping hall, we’ve compiled a little gift guide for you here… Of course, there’s probably no greater gift for yourself or horsey family members than a subscription to Showing World and Native Pony magazines, especially when you get a free ticket to the Sunday finale at HOYS. *Wink, wink, nudge, nudge!*.
For Her…

I have a sock-eating monster lurking near the laundry basket, and I don’t think I’m alone. Consequently, I’m always grateful for new socks, especially longer ones that I can tuck my breeches into. My Toggi ones not only survive wash after wash, but they also emerge intact so I’d gladly give some away knowing they’ll be the gift that keeps on giving. These ones have added retro appeal that I am loving!
I practically live in my Pegasus jewellery sparkle pearl earrings and frankly, can’t imagine why anyone else wouldn’t love a pair either! Then again, I’d be very happy indeed to receive pretty much anything that Kim designs at Pegasus. Hint, hint, people.

Windsor Snaffle Leather Belt. Almost purchased this at HOYS earlier this year but I refrained. Just. Still covet it though, and I think that says plenty!
Windsor – Equestrian snaffle bit leather belt | Mackenzie & George (mackenzieandgeorge.com)
Grenson Wynter Slippers. Frankly, these slippers look like a winter wellness retreat for your feet. What’s not to love?!

Le Chameau 1927 Neoprene Lined Wellingtons. Because why would you not appreciate wellington boots that are durable, stylish AND lined in winter?
Women’s Vierzonord Neoprene Lined Wellingtons | Le Chameau 1927
Penelope Chilvers Long Riding Tassle Boots. Every Christmas I wish for the entire Penelope Chilvers winter collection to be at the foot of my bed when I wake up. This boot is meant for riding, but why would you let a horse near something that looks so good?!
Long Riding Oiled Suede Tassel Boot – Tan | Penelope Chilvers

Equidry Coat. I’m seeing a lot of hype about the Equidry coats online. If they’re as good as my friends say, I want one, and I think anyone who braves the wind and rain regularly will appreciate one too.
Holland Cooper Slim Cape. Again, if someone wanted to get into my good books, they could do a lot worse than take a lucky dip on the Holland Cooper website. I keep staring at the camel version of the Slim Cape though.

For the little ones…

Le Mieux Mini Base Layer. I am going to admit this once and once only. I tried to squeeze myself into a Lemieux mini base layer. It wasn’t my finest look, which is a massive shame. They do look super-cool on my niece though… Buy the matching silk for added pizazz.
Mini Base Layer Dijon : LeMieux, The finest Equestrian products in the UK. (lemieuxproducts.com)
QHP Christmas Brush Pattern. Give this one to pony-mad kids as a stocking filler.

Crafty Ponies. So very, very cute!
Monopoly Horses and Ponies. Monopoly but with ponies. Genius!
Monopoly: Horses & Ponies – Board Games – Zatu Games UK (board-game.co.uk)

Lego and Friends Horse training and trailer set. Horsey Lego: literally hours of fun.
LEGO Friends 41441 Horse Training and Trailer (johnlewis.com)
Siani Shetland. A super-sweet tale of a Shetland named Siani and her human, Beca.

National Geographic Kids Horses and Ponies Puzzle Book
For Him…
Grays Snaffle Socks. It’s a given that the males in the family will be receiving socks. I like these ones because I can steal them…

Hunter Balmoral Neoprene Lined Wellingtons. Show me a single soul – or sole *wink wink*! – who doesn’t appreciate a new pair of wellies!
Men’s Balmoral Adjustable 3mm Neoprene Wellington Boots: Dark Olive | Official Hunter Boots Site
Grays Nicholas 1922 Wallet. Good looking and useful.

Patagonia Bivy Reversible Gillet. I have a minor obsession with this reversible gillet. I will be buying it for my husband. And then stealing it for myself.
Norman Thelwell Riding School Toilet Seat. If a man in your life enjoys toilet humour, LooPrints may well be the site for you! My personal favourite is this ‘Riding School’ print as it reminds me of a time I made an unexpected novel exit from the ring over the fence…

Dubarry or Ireland Moore Leather Jacket. I’ve found myself returning to this super-smart jacket online. I’m not sure if it’s for the jacket or the model, though. If I buy the jacket for him can someone get the model for me?
Just Chaps Dri Rider Waterproof Riding Trousers. For any horsey guys out there not fortunate enough to be in possession of an indoor school, these will go down a treat. They’re waterproof, have a full-seat and hi-viz strips. In other words, they’re ideal for winter hacking.

Le Mieux Thermal Work Gloves. Help for hands!
Thermal Work Gloves Black : Horse Health, The finest Equestrian products in the UK.
For Four-legged Friends…
Get going with this grooming kit now and you may well need sunglasses to look in your pony’s direction by June.

I was recommended one of these when I had a melt-down and thought that my pony had damaged a tendon about a month before HOYS. He hadn’t, but we’ve used this to help the ponies – and ourselves – through lots of lumps and bumps and swellings.
ArcEquine | Supports and aids the body’s own natural healing process. (arcmicrotech.com)
I was pretty miffed I had to leave these in my mother and sister’s grooming kit when I moved out. They’re SO good!

The travel set of dreams!
(1) Monkey Bananas Fleece Cooler – Ponyo Horsewear (ponyo-horsewear.com)
Trust me, these Hurtta dog coats are a life-hack all dog owners need. My mucky pup and my house are 80% less mucky since I discovered them. So little of her is exposed to the elements that she can be kept clipped, warm and dry in the worst weather so I only have to worry about her paws.